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A Forgotten Tragedy

Occasionally when scouring the archives, one comes across entries that warrant, demand even, further investigation. The above is one such example. It is from the burial register of Charles the Martyr (Charles Church) Plymouth, and records the burials on 9 July 1812 of John, Susan and Elizabeth Hyne, with the intriguing annotation “Father & two daughters, M”. What did the “M” stand for? Further research revealed a second copy of the original entry; this time, the corresponding annotation left no room for doubt in the mind of the reader - “Father & two daughters, murdered by the father”. A search of the various archives led to an entry in the Plymouth Rate books telling us that the burial in the churchyard cost 6 shillings for John Hyne and 1 shilling for each of his daughters. More importantly their ages were included in the entry – John was 35 years old at the time of his death, Susan and Elizabeth were 3 years and 12 months respectively. Armed with
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"Plymouth Football Sensation"; Death of a Trainer

On the 20 February 1909, Plymouth Argyle travelled to play Derby County in the 3 rd Round of the FA Cup. It wasn't a successful trip; Argyle lost a game in which both sides played poorly to an Alf “Snobby” Bentley goal which came at the end of the final minute of play. It was virtually the only incident worthy of note for the afternoon, and was a controversial one; the Argyle players had rounded on the referee, insisting that he had blown the whistle to end the proceedings before the ball had crossed the goal line; meanwhile the crowd, made up predominantly of Derby supporters – their celebrations cut short for a brief, agonising, moment, became almost hysteric as they burst their way on to the pitch and the referee had to be escorted from the field by the police. Jubilation soon followed with the realisation that the goal and therefore the result would stand; Argyle were out of the cup. However the game would be remembered for events off rather than on the pi

Death of a Constable

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HMS Plymouth: Then & Now

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Plymouth Blitz: A people's project?

"Where the bombs fell" Seven nights in late March and late April 1941 were among the worst Plymouth has ever seen . In recent nights I tried to give an "as live" account of the events of March 20th and 21st 1941 under the hash-tag #PlymBlitzLive via @PlymouthHistor1 on Twitter. It's not easy trying to convey the stories of damage, destruction and loss of life that was wrought on the city in 140 characters or less, and even less so to do justice to the bravery and heartbreak of the people who lived, and died, during the Luftwaffe attacks. I do feel that it is still a worthwhile exercise, and something that I would like to continue for the April 1941 raids. There are a wealth of published research resources available which record the Plymouth Blitz, and all are worth reading. In particular I would recommend Gerald Wasley's "Blitz" and it's big brother "Plymouth: A Shattered City", and Chris Robinson's revised edition of H.

Sir John Hawkins: Plymouth's Dilemma?

Sir Francis Drake In a scene familiar to Plymothians and visitors alike, Sir Francis Drake stands atop Plymouth Hoe where, legend has it, he finished his game of bowls before defeating the Spanish Armada. Where now, immortalised in bronze, he looks proudly over Plymouth Sound, past the island named in his honour and on to the open seas beyond. It is impossible to visit Plymouth and not be aware of the esteem the swashbuckling, King of Spain's beard singeing Drake is held, even now, over 400 years since his death. A parliamentary constituency, an electoral ward, public houses, streets, businesses, shopping centres all bear (or have borne) his name, as well as a myriad others commemorating "his" defeat of the Spanish Armada. But what of  Drakes' cousin, Sir John Hawkins? Forever remembered and reviled for his activities as a slaver - t hat in spite of the rather inconvenient truth that Hawkins neither "invented" the slave trade, nor was he the first